Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Why Motorcycle Riding is More Fun Than Driving Cars

The act of riding off in a motorcycle any time of the day, in any direction, any distance gives rider a sense of independence and freedom. For many, it is a way of life and how one’s individuality or personality finds expression. Bike riding bombards their senses with adrenaline and gives them a high. Riding these two-wheeler machines has certain advantages over driving four-wheelers. Let’s check out 4 of the perks associated with riding a bike that riding bigger vehicles such as a car doesn’t offer you.

1. Less Traffic Woes

Compared to car drivers, motorcycle riders suffer from lesser traffic-related distress. Traffic congestions are mainly caused by four-wheel automobiles, and incidentally they also suffer the most. On the other hand, bikers only need to slow down in traffic, not halt, thanks to their maneuverability and agility to zip through narrow lanes and spaces between vehicles.

2. Easy Customization

Unlike cars, motorcycles for sale are easily retrofitted. Bikes are seldom ridden with the same parts it was purchased with. From seat and exhaust pipe to saddlebag and handlebars, bike riders can make changes, add or move motorcycle parts to suit their preference. In cars, one doesn’t have such liberty to customize as the options are very limited.

3. No Parking Issue

Someone who drives a car always worries about where to park his vehicle whenever he takes it out to public places. But bikers don’t go through this constant pain of finding a parking spot. Because of their smaller vehicle size, bikes enjoy the luxury to park literally everywhere without attracting a parking ticket. Parking fees for motorcycles also cost less than cars.

4. Safer Rides

Bikers tend to be more conscious riders on road than car drivers. This is probably because they know they run a higher risk of hurting themselves in the course of an crash. We never see a biker texting and riding at the same time, which is a common sight with car riders. Body coordination is also achieved better in motorcycles than cars.

The Final Word

Hope you’re fully convinced of the manifold benefits of riding a bike. Even if you constrained to buy a brand new, there are many salvage bikes in several online auto auction sites that you may consider. Some of these bikes are still in good condition and need just minor repairs before they can become roadworthy again. Gift yourself a good bike this New Year; you won’t want to ride any another vehicle type after that.

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